PoliticsMonday 11.22.21

Apple Hits Accelerator on Electric Car Project

The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. The number of U.S. virus-related deaths recorded in 2021 officially surpassed the toll in 2020. Experts say lower-than-expected immunization rates were a major factor. Over in Europe, tensions between the vaccinated and unvaccinated have reached a boiling point as countries across the continent impose new restrictions. In California, the former golden girl of Silicon Valley took the stand in federal court. Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes unexpectedly testified in her own criminal trial. Coming soon to Apple showrooms near you ... the iCar? The tech giant is hitting the accelerator on its electric car project and is refocusing its efforts. It now aims to create a fully autonomous vehicle by 2025. And in the world of sports, tennis star Peng Shuai has finally appeared. But the former doubles champion’s disappearance and sudden reappearance after accusing a Chinese official of sexual assault is only raising more questions.

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