TechnologyMonday 09.19.22

Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple's Steve Jobs, says he would be "very disappointed" with today's political climate.

During an interview, Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple's Steve Jobs, says he would be "very disappointed" with today's political climate. Steve Jobs died from pancreatic cancer in 2011, yet his is still remembered as a visionary who revolutionized the technological world.

JOBS: “He would be very disappointed with the political climate, I would say. Not only the polarization, not only the fact that people are really coming to blows within families and communities, and our country but also just that he loved our country so much. He loved California so much, but he loved our country. He loved the idea of America. He loved what it allowed, the individual, and the communities to become. He loved the unfetteredness of it. He loved the personal freedoms and liberties, but also the connectedness and responsibility for each other. It was very important to him to be able to give something back to the human experience. And I think he, he would be, he would not be quiet.”

Recount Wire