CultureFriday 08.19.22

Idris Elba: No On-Set Chemistry with Real-life Daughter

In an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show this week, the actor Idris Elba said his daughter auditioned for one of his recent films, but “the chemistry wasn’t right” between father and daughter given the film’s story line. Elba’s 20-year old daughter, Isan Elba, auditioned for "Beast," a thriller in which her father stars. The film was released on August 19 and is playing nationwide. “She was great,” Elba said, but apparently Elba did not feel it was a fit, and his daughter did not get the part. “My daughter didn’t talk to me for about three weeks,” afterwards, Elba said. “She wants to be an actress, and she auditioned,” Elba said with a laugh. “And, you know, it came down to chemistry in the end, you know, she was great, but the relationship in the film … and the relationship between my daughter … the chemistry wasn't right for [the] film, weirdly enough.”

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