CultureTuesday 05.17.22

Tim Tebow talks about his recent efforts to help Ukrainian refugees and orphans.

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow appeared on Fox & Friends to talk about the work he and his Tim Tebow Foundation are doing to help refugees and orphans impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Tebow explained that their efforts start with relief aid and reaching out to those going through especially difficult circumstances such as a need for shelter. Tebow and his foundation are also engaged in rescuing and evacuating people to safer positions in Ukraine and other countries. In addition, they serve hundreds of refugees and orphans daily through an integration center as a way to provide more long-term support.

Tebow launched his foundation in 2010, soon after being drafted by the Denver Broncos. The son of missionaries, Tebow is known for his deep Christian faith, which informs his devotion to service and charitable work.

The 2007 Heisman Trophy winner went on to express how humbled and honored he was to serve along with people placing themselves in danger to help the most vulnerable and bring them to safety.

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