Brian Flores’ Anti-Racism Lawsuit Against the NFL Is Just the Start

On this special episode of The Long Game with LZ & Leitch, LZ and Will talk about former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores’ lawsuit against the NFL and three of its teams, exposing what critics have long argued: there’s an old boy network (of white men) undercutting the league’s publicized efforts to consider and hire diverse candidates. They also break down Bill Belichick’s texting skill; praise Flores’ exquisite timing; and end the show urging NFL players to speak up and show support for Flores’ cause. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is sure to face tough questions from the news media at his “State of the League” address next week, so stay with us — LZ & Leitch will be covering this story every step of the way.

Watch The Long Game with LZ & Leitch Monday, Feb. 8 at 1pm ET at and listen out for two more podcasts next week as well!



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