President Joe Biden blasted his predecessor and likely rival for the White House this fall, Donald Trump, on immigration in a Spanish radio interview on Tuesday.
“Here’s what he said about immigrants, ‘Poisoning the blood of our country.’ He separated kids and parents at the border and caged children,” Biden said on Univision’s “El Bueno, La Mala, y El Feo.”
“This guy despises Latinos,” the president said about Trump.
“I understand Latino values,” Biden continued. “You know, they’re like the kind — we just celebrated St. Patrick’s Day, hope you’re not offended by my saying this — but you know, the thing about the Irish that came here, they’re about family, about faith, about decency. And that’s exactly what the Latino community’s all about.”
In addition to giving two interviews to Spanish radio stations Tuesday, the president also traveled through the battleground states of Nevada and Arizona in an effort to shore up support among Latino voters ahead of the 2024 election — a group that has been shifting Republican and more toward Trump, according to recent polling.