Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, the woman who was killed while protesting at the 2017 Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, spoke at the White House "United We Stand" summit.
BRO: “The truth is that the lost my family has suffered as part of a bigger story. According to data from the ADL in 2021, anti-Semitic incidents reached an all-time high and across the country hate crimes are on the rise. And while my daughter's death received so much national and international attention, all too often, these hateful attacks are committed against people of color with unacceptably little public attention. And that's why this summit is so important. We're here to share our experiences and our strategies to combat hate, but it must continue beyond today. Governments, corporations, communities, and organizations, must continue to move forward in ways that pull us all together. We must shine the light of truth, justice, and equity on this issue and reject those who want us to live in fear of our fellow man. For as long as hate thrives, more parents will be inducted into that club.”