Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke on the urgency of addressing climate change amid global heatwaves: "The climate crisis is a real one ... We cannot ignore the science," said Pelosi
PELOSI: “The climate crisis is a real one, there's a short fuse on it. We must act, we cannot ignore the science or the governance, the protections that go with.
“It is a public health issue, preserving clean, air and clean water for our children, the air, they breathe the water, they drink, it's an immediate health issue.
“It's an economic necessity, creating good-paying jobs in the industries of the future while staving off catastrophic cost of inaction.
“It is a matter of National Security. Preventing violent conflict, over resources and habitat. You have droughts, you have rising sea levels, you have encroachment of desert, you have change in the thermal management of the planet.
“All this contributes to a competition for habitat and resources and our national security advisors tell us that that can be a cause of conflict in addition to the toll, it takes on people. And for many of us a moral issue, if you do believe as I do this is God's creation and we have a moral responsibility to be good stewards of it.”