PoliticsTuesday 04.02.24

Rep. Wasserman Schultz on 6-week abortion ban set to take effect in Florida: This will impact “millions” of women.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) on Tuesday slammed the Florida Supreme Court ruling that will allow a six-week ban to take effect in May.

“Just yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court bowed to extremist Republicans in Tallahassee and overturned precedent to allow the 15-week abortion ban here in Florida to stand,” Wasserman Schultz said at a House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee hearing in Broward County, Florida. “Because of their ruling, we are 29 days away from seeing a six-week abortion ban take effect that the Republican-led legislature teed up to become law if their already draconian 15-week ban was allowed to stand.”

“What this means for Florida women in real terms is that after May 1, abortion care will become almost impossible to receive in Florida, with almost no exceptions,” she added.

The congresswoman emphasized that the ban would impact millions of women in Florida and throughout the Southeast who travel to Florida to get abortion care. When Florida's six-week ban goes into effect, abortion will be nearly illegal in the entire Southeast United States.

“This will impact not only millions of women in the Sunshine State, but millions more across the South who face familiar bans and look to Florida for a semblance of reproductive freedom.”

The Florida Supreme Court ruling on Monday also approved a November ballot measure that would allow residents to vote on an proposed amendment to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s constitution.

“There is hope. Floridians will have a chance to make their voices heard this November and send these extremist policies back to the 20th century, where they should have stayed,” Wasserman Schultz said. “Today's field hearing is a critical step to help highlight the dangerous reality that our reproductive freedoms are under siege. It will also demonstrate the devastating impact of these extreme policies for women and families across the nation.”

“The people of Florida loudly and overwhelmingly fought back by following our law to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot for voters that would limit government interference with this deeply personal choice of abortion,” she continued.

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