PoliticsTuesday 03.19.24

President Biden tells voters in Nevada that he will revive the expanded COVID-era child tax credit.

President Biden on Tuesday told voters in Nevada that he will revive the expanded COVID-era child tax credit.

“We're gonna bring back the child tax credit to cut child poverty in half,” Biden said while taking audience questions at a campaign event in Reno, Nevada. “By the way, it grows the economy when women are able to go to work knowing they can have a safe place for their children. It grows the economy in terms of education as well.”

Biden also highlighted the impact of early childhood education and emphasized the need for expanding access.

“We're in a situation where you think about it — a lot of people haven't had the advantage others have had. They may come from a home that doesn't have the same background, doesn't have the same educational background, doesn't have books in the house,” Biden said. “What we found out with significant studies being done, that if in fact you have a circumstance where you started a kid in preschool at age three, four and five, they have a 50% better chance. 50% go on to go all through twelve years and on to college."

“How the hell can we lead the world if we don't have the best infrastructure in the world, we don't have the best education world over, the best taxes, and so on?" Biden said

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