PoliticsFriday 06.28.24

"Joe Biden had a bad debate night, but ... Donald Trump was a bad president": Gov. Josh Shapiro on CNN debate.

Gov. Josh Shapiro on Friday said President Joe Biden had a “bad debate night,” but “Donald Trump was a bad president.”

The Democratic Pennsylvania governor was asked whether he thought Biden was “up to the job” after his widely-criticized performance in Thursday’s CNN presidential debate in Atlanta.

“Look, I think Joe Biden had a bad debate night, but it doesn't change the fact that Donald Trump was a bad president — a bad president who ripped away our freedoms, a bad president who drove our economy into the ditch, a bad president who exacerbated the problems of climate change, and a guy who stood on the stage last night and not only lied about his past, but lied about the kinds of things he's proposing for the future,” Shapiro said during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“Nothing about the debate changed that last night. Nothing about the debate changed the fact that women in this country have to worry if they give the keys to the White House to Donald Trump again. Nothing about the debate last night changed the fact that the middle class is screwed if Donald Trump is put in charge again,” Shapiro continued. “I think the clear contrast continues in this race, and I think what we need to do now is, continue to go out and prosecute that case against Donald Trump.”

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