PoliticsWednesday 03.20.24

Jamie Raskin shows image of GOP witness meeting with Mark Meadows in a ski mask at Oversight hearing on Biden family.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) went after the Republican witnesses at Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on the Biden family’s business dealings.

“Even Hunter Biden, laboring at the time under a serious substance abuse addiction, could tell these were not the type of people he should be doing business with. So rather than representing the Biden brand, which was their ardent wish, they now show up today as loyal servants of Trump world, each of them proudly represented by their very own former Trump White House attorney,” Raskin said about the Republican witnesses.

“The first is Mr. [Tony] Bobulinski whose famously litigious history includes unsuccessfully suing his own dying father's charity for nearly a million dollars,” the panel’s ranking member continued. “And just last month suing Cassidy Hutchinson for $10 million after she reported that Mr. Bobulinski, wearing a ski mask, met with Mark Meadows, which Ms. Hutchison has now backed up with actual documentary photographic evidence — something in very short supply in this investigation.”

Raskin has been a vocal critic of the GOP’s Biden impeachment inquiry — and has called on his Republican colleagues to cease their efforts, particularly following the indictment of a key witness on charges of lying to the FBI. According to a court document, Alexander Smirnov had contact with a number of Russian officials and admitted Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing him a false story about the president’s son.

Recount Wire