Republican presidential candidate and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, two days out from her home state’s primary, went after her opponent, former President Donald Trump, for “siding with” Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
“We have to have a leader that has moral clarity, that knows the difference between right and wrong, and we have to have a leader whose sole focus is to prevent war,” Haley said at a rally in Georgetown, SC. “And you had Donald Trump say in Conway that not only would he not defend our allies, but that he would encourage Putin to invade our allies. Now think about that for a second.”
“Donald Trump is siding with a thug where half a million people have been wounded or killed because Putin invaded Ukraine. Donald Trump is siding with a dictator who kills his political opponents. Donald Trump is siding with a tyrant who arrests American journalists and holds them hostage. Donald Trump is siding with a man who’s made no bones about the fact that he wants to destroy America — and he’s siding with him over the allies that stood with us after 9/11?” the former UN ambassador continued.
“In that one second that he went off the teleprompter, he made all of our allies more vulnerable, and he put every member of our military who are in those areas in danger,” Haley added.