PoliticsWednesday 08.07.24

"Drill, baby, drill": Trump, when a supporter asks what he'd do to bring down rent prices to help his kids.

Donald Trump had a specific response Wednesday morning, when a supporter asked him what he would do to bring down rent prices to help his children: “Drill, baby, drill.”

“We gotta get the energy prices down and everything else is gonna be tumbling down with it, the prices,” Trump said to the supporter in South Dakota during an interview on “Fox & Friends.”

The voter, who Trump spoke to during his interview when he called into Fox News, described his kids’ plight to afford a home.

“Out of eight children that I'm a father and a stepfather to, five of them are struggling, and I'm giving them part of my income on a regular basis,” the voter said. “How are you going to make the economy — not just the food and electricity — but bring down the rent prices, the housing prices, so that these kids can survive without their parents’ help?”

“We're going to bring down the cost of energy,” Trump said. “Energy is what caused the worst inflation, I think, in the history of our country.”

The Republican presidential nominee then lamented about the rise in costs during Joe Biden’s presidency — “Bacon is quadrupled. You can't order bacon” — and compared it to lower costs when he was in office.

“Four years ago, I could ask you. You were in great shape. You had low energy costs. You had low food costs. Everything was good. You could buy a house. You had low interest rates, 2% interest rates. You had gasoline at $1.87. Now it's $5,” Trump said. “And, by the way, going up, and going up very substantially.”

Recount Wire