While speaking in New Hampshire after releasing his 2025 budget proposal, President Joe Biden went after his predecessor Donald Trump’s economic policies.
“The last administration enacted a $2 trillion tax cut that benefits the very wealthy and the top 1%, the biggest corporations, and it exploded the federal deficit,” Biden told the crowd in Manchester on Monday.
“The last administration added more to the national debt than any presidential term in American history,” the president said. “You know, you turn on TV, you think he’s telling the truth. Debt.”
“Do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion tax break? Because that’s what he wants to do,” Biden continued, referring to Trump. “His tax cut is about to expire, and he wants to add another $2 trillion tax cut. Well, I’m going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair.”
“I ran for president, I promised nobody — nobody, as long as I’m president, who earns less than $400,000 — it’s a lot more than I ever made — will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. Nobody. Not a single cent,” Biden added. “Nobody will pay a single penny more, and they haven’t thus far.”