President Biden called out the Republican Party for voting against the infrastructure bill but then asking for funds for projects in their district.
BIDEN: “A report that came out CNN and says “Republicans call Biden infrastructure program socialism and then they asked for the money.” And it goes through all of Republicans, who the most conservative Republicans call it socialism and how they're asking. There’s a guy named Paul Gosar, he's written three separate letters to the administration asking for projects in his district. He says that it’d enhance the quality of life, that’d ease congestion, boost the economy, he voted against it, says it's all socialism. Go down the list, Kentucky Representative Andy Barr “the biggest socialist agenda,” three different projects he wants, citing the importance of safety and growth of his district. Rand Paul, I go down the list. Look it up. Socialism, I didn't know there were that many socialist Republicans. Think about it. I'm serious, let's get serious about taking care of ordinary people, regular people like I grew up. Folks look, you can't make this stuff up. You got to say and I gotta say I was surprised to see so many socialists in the Republican caucus.”