PoliticsMonday 06.10.24

"Answer my question!": Schumer in new 1/6 footage angrily demands Jeffrey Rosen ask Trump to call off his supporters.

In unaired January 6th footage that MSNBC obtained, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was seen angrily demanding that then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen ask Donald Trump to call off his supporters during their attack on the U.S. Capitol.

“No, no, no, please answer my question. Answer my question!” Schumer, now the Senate majority leader, said to Rosen in a phone call, with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sitting next to him.

While the January 6th committee had released footage in 2022 of the call, showing Schumer demanding that Rosen ask Trump to make a statement to his supporters to get them to leave, MSNBC on Monday aired footage that showed a longer and more heated exchange.

“Why don't you get the president to tell them to leave the Capitol, Mr. Attorney General, in your law enforcement responsibility? A public statement they should all leave. He is saying, his tweet said, ‘We are for peace,’” Schumer said during the call with Rosen.

“Law and order.” Pelosi said.

Schumer: “Law and order. Why don't you get him to make that statement? Would you do that?”

Rosen: “We’re treating this with the greatest — ”

Schumer: “Will you ask the president to make a statement to ask them to leave the Capitol?”

Rosen: “So, as you might guess, we’re coordinating as quickly — ”

Schumer: “No, no, no, please answer my question. Answer my question!”

Rosen: “Senator, I’m gonna do everything I can do.”

Schumer: “Does that include asking the president to get these people, who are followers of [inaudible], to leave the Capitol?

The footage was part of clips recently handed over to a House Administration subcommittee, per POLITICO, and showed congressional leaders attempting to coordinate a military response to the insurrection while it took more than three hours for the National Guard to arrive.

Recount Wire