PoliticsTuesday 10.04.22

Pres. Biden condemns AZ's reinstated abortion ban from 1864, tells story of a teenager who couldn't get medical care.

At the Task Force for Reproductive Healthcare Access meeting, President Biden condemned Arizona’s reinstated abortion ban from 1864. He told the story of a teenager who couldn't get medical care for her arthritis due to the medication she takes also being prescribed for abortions.

BIDEN: “In Arizona, they had a law, which is mentioned by the vice president, on the books in 1864. That 1864, that's 1864 during the Civil War and went into affect again a week and a half ago. And just two days after it went into effect, a young 14 year old girl who has been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, initially couldn't get a refill for her prescription, the drug she's been taking for years to deal with her two diseases because concerns that very prescription could be used to terminate the pregnancy in violation of a law in that state. And that's exactly what we're afraid would happen. This fourteen-year-old girl couldn't get the medicine she needed for arthritis because of an extreme backward and misguided law.”

Recount Wire